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You are reading this section because you are probably interested in knowing who writes this blog. I think it is fair to siply call myself a mother of two adorable girls aged 3 and 10 for now (going on 10 and 16 respectively!). We may decide to have a third one but as of now hands are so very full that going through morning sickness and all the (oh!) joys of pregnancy makes me throw up. There is absolutely nothing special about me or my girls – in fact our life is just like yours…which is what probably makes it special!

There were so many different ways to start writing a blog for Mothersbliss and then we thought – what is the perfect joy of being a mother? Apart from the biological happiness of becoming a mother (might be questionable sometimes, you might say), what we all experience with our children on a day-to-day basis is so special – it can range from happiness, to anxiety, to craziness! Anyone with a child will know what this means and anyone with more than one child will SURELY know what this means!

Kit for Kat! is about children and what they do which makes us want to laugh and cry (sometimes both) on a hectic or a not-so-busy day. Kit for Kit! is a simple attempt at capturing the magical moments we all experience with our children at some point in our everyday simple lives. I hope it will strike a chord with someone, somewhere. Your comments are welcome and will only help to strike chords with others no comment (long or short) will go unnoticed…please help keep this section buzzing and alive!

As for me, just for introduction, you can call me Sarabi from the Lion King (why? because I am convinced that my younger daughter is Simba – she is so naughty and playful and when it comes to meat, you mention it and she stops in her tracks and jumps to it from wherever she is!)

Kit Kat Family Mother – Sarabi (Me)

Father – we all call him ‘Papa’

3 year old – Kit

10 year old – Kat

Together I will refer to them as Kit Kat as this was my favourite chocolate bar as a kid (wow! was I ever one of them??) I must admit though, that this name for them is now heavily inspired by the term ‘Tit-for-Tat’ as that is how majority of the incidents in our house are dealt with internally by them both!! An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth…
Yes, you're right. I could have chosen any name. Why did I chose Kit for Kat!? So here we go...
Of course I loved Kit Kat when I was ‘young’ (are they listening?) so I thought this was appropriate as I could see a touch of my childhood in my girls this way…

Tit for Tat! Kit for Kat! – say it in the same tone and you know what I mean…this is what I deal with most days so again it made so much sense…

Now this is the deal - if Kat does something little Kit tries to ape it to prove it that she can do it better and here age does not seem to matter. So Kit for Kat!

Each one of them is unique in their own way…

I really hope you enjoy reading this blog as much I enjoy writing and sharing it!


Sarabi (LK)
alias SLK